Thursday, February 19, 2009


Addendum and correction to the last post regarding colors.

Yesterday I'd said I had cut into about 25 pieces of my solids collection. That was a very crude estimate. Way off.

In preparation for the next workshop, I'd pulled out all the fabrics that I'd used at the last workshop. Didn't want to pack them in case I'd still be working on my ribbon quilt. Make that will be still working. Already enough color variety - no new colors please.

That pile looked like a half box full. 100 fabrics, 2 boxes. 50 fabrics a box. Half a box must be 25. Right? Big oops! Didn't take into consideration that some of the fabric has already gone into the ribbons and stripped-pieced fabrics. Smaller pieces make a more compact pile.

This morning I counted - 52 different colors! Not including black, white and grays. I could have used fewer.

I feel you can have a very satisfactory experience and put together a beautiful quilt with a more limited selection.

But can you see how you can easily go beyond that with the myriad variations in colors, values, and saturations? Look at how many yellow paint chips can you collect at the paint store. Albeit fabric is more limiting, but color nuances can be nearly infinite. That's part of the fun and challenge.

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