Friday, May 8, 2009

Circling the studio

Truth be told, I haven't quilted since I came back from the Improvisations workshop at the Crow Timber Barn four weeks ago. Instead activities revolved around the studio.

Cleaned up. What a mess when I left for the workshop! By golly, the mess grew when I was away: my other half thought other stuff should be there too. Then I unpacked workshop supplies and projects. You can imagine. At least I can see the cutting mat now.

Reorganized. About time I made life easier for myself. Dragged one of my old (remember days when they were 3 for $99 - this was pre IKEA) bookcases into the studio. Stacked solids and shelved all crafting, quilting, sewing books. They're all together and not scattered in boxes and baskets anymore. Repurposed a vinylized poster to protect the fabrics from light. The shade is attached at the top with packaging tape. That won't last. Here it is with shade down. A bit of light leaks through the sides and bottom. I'll figure it out with a more permanent mounting system.

Inventoried. My fan deck is tagged! Blue tape marks colors less than 30" long.

I am ready to replenish for the next workshop.

Now back to quilting . . .

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