Monday, December 22, 2008

Why blog?

To share my experience at the Nancy Crow workshop, I recently told my mini-group about my blog. One member asked if I know if anyone reads it. Doesn't matter.

A few years ago, I worked through Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. She advocates getting up earlier each morning to journal. Manually write a few pages. Stream of unconciousness. That didn't work for me. This blog works.

It's a personal journal mainly about my quilting life. I blog for me - so I can see where I've been and remember what I've done. Each blogger has his/her own reasons for blogging. These are mine.

I don't post regularly. Doesn't matter if someone reads it. Or not. I don't hide it but neither do I actively promote it. Occasionally I do invite readers. I like to read comments though I may not be able to respond to each one.

A reader told me to post more. My thoughts don't always congeal on the spot so I may finish a post that I started drafting a while back. This may be linear thinking on my part, but it feels right to insert it where it fits best – usually when I started the draft. Even though I have the option of changing the date. Blogger lists the posts in chronological order so a new post may be buried among the older ones.

So dear reader, if you are looking only at the last post, you may miss the new post tucked in earlier.

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