Friday, December 13, 2013


Life has been hectic in the past two months. I've taken two great workshops: Potpourri II with Nancy Crow at the Crow Barn and The New Complex Cloth with Jane Dunnewold at Art Quilt Tahoe. Seen two great international juried fiber arts shows. Maybe I'll catch up and post about these. Maybe not.

For now I'm happily engaged in a new project. Started with the golden pieces from the workshop:
modules from Potpourri II
and made more with some in other colors.
more modules, more colors
Re-arranged the jumbled mess,
more cohesive but flat
auditioned more colors,
looking livelier
resulting in a small half-way decent composition.
a 36x36 composition
Added red, and made more to make it bigger,
a 42x53 composition
but not necessarily better. Why the heck is that?! Needs more work!

It's not too big yet big enough to become my entry for the EBHQ quilt guild show, Voices in Cloth, coming up in March.

Gotta be big enough to hang around all those big traditional quilts.